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Sunday, 31 October 2010

Another week older and still more interest!

Another week has passed and there have been another 18 emails from people expressing interest in the event.

Anyone wishing to take part though, needs to give serious consideration to getting money organised and sent in asap.  There are two payment dates that will need to be met after we receive your deposit or you will not be able to take your place in the 2012 line-up.  Remember, just saying you're interested is not enough to get your name on the list.  If you have not made your final payment by the end of December 2011, you will not be going in 2012. 
You will be allowed to carry your wish to take part forward to our event in 2013 instead, so all is not lost.  It just means you will not be in the first ever event from London to London via Paris Challenge.  There will NEVER be another FIRST CHALLENGE over this course.

We have had to set a deadline for payments or we cannot organise the Safety Boats needed to escort you on the trip.  These boat owners get booked up months in advance and we cannot expect them to hang around waiting for us to decide if, and how many of them we need.  For us, the event is a challenge.  For them, it's their livelihood!
Also, as we have to have your boats built once we receive your payments, we are depending on you to forward the funding to do so.  This will not happen overnight!  Boats take time to be built.  No money coming in - no boat to row in!

We strongly urge those of you that have not applied yet and are serious about taking part, to get your application forms and deposit in asap.  It's a serious undertaking that needs serious commitment by each individual wishing to complete the Challenge of a lifetime.  Only one part of The Challenge is the actual rowing of the boat.  Before that starts, you have to be realistic enough to see that you have to make a serious financial commitment to achieve your dream.

Remember one and all, you can now opt to row one way - from London to Paris; Paris to London OR 'Both Ways' - from London to London via Paris.  The 'Both Ways' trip will cost a full fee plus an extra 50% price of the single fee again to get back to London.  This reduction across the board is thought to be the fairest way to get as many people out there rowing both ways.  We still have to meet our obligations to the Safety Boats to get you back again - and time is money!

Furthermore, there are two categories for rowers. 
They are:
  1. Competitors, and
  2. Challengers.
The first group will be trying to set the fastest times - either from London to Paris;  Paris to London; or London to London via Paris.

The second group will be covering the same three options but will concentrate on simply getting there!  The Challenge for them will be completing the distance.

Remember why this second category has been introduced.  It's for those that may not realistically have a chance of competing against or in the same boat as, young, fit racing snakes in peak physical condition - as well as those that simply wish to enjoy the Challenge of taking part in a long distance rowing Challenge.

The choice of which category you enter will be up to you in the end.  When you return your Application Form, please give serious consideration to the category you wish to enter in and mark it clearly on the form when it is sent in.

Don't miss out!  The date for the first full payment to reach us after your deposit is 30th June 2011.  Eight months and counting down...

Roger G

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