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Saturday, 19 February 2011

Postponement of Presentation 6th March 2011


Roger's delay in starting his Atlantic Challenge has meant that he will be unable to attend, we have been anticipating his efforts and hoping that he will be back in time to make his presentation. For those of you tracking his progress it has become increasingly apparent he will not even be on dry land at the time of the event on 6th March.

Due to a high demand in SW England through Cornish Gig Clubs it has been decided that we will run a presentation in a more convenient location for the Gig Clubs. Falmouth Maritime Museum has been mentioned to us. The date and location of which is still to be announced and will wait upon Roger's return.

Taking these things into consideration I have taken the hard decision to postpone this event.

I apologise if this delay causes any problems but assure you that a future date will be set and we will update this site with the details when they are formalised.

Chris Gould
(On behalf of Roger somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on a small boat)

Friday, 4 February 2011

Further progess for us all

Roger, now on his way and is making such progress westward across the Atlantic. Battling following seas of up to 3 metres high. Communications have been made between the boat and shore side and whilst everyone is sending messages to loved ones Roger has said....."Are we nearly there yet?"
Uncanny as this may seem, I bet if he has started this chanting, this far into the journey (3days) after another 30, the rest of the crew must be thinking about launching the Life raft and casting him adrift!

Whilst Roger battles the sun and heat, the London 2 Paris team are bounding on with preparations for the recce in May. This morning saw another trial with the Reivers 12 team using the Gig "Tiger" at one of the warmest places in England, Gravesend.
Whilst rowing in 30 degrees in the Mid-Atlantic was in the back our minds, we battled 35 knot winds and temperatures of around 5 centigrade. Mind, we should be comforted by the fact that we stepped back into the warm only 2 hours later and had some real coffee from McDonald's. All of which are not available to the guys who are quite frankly risking all for the World Record. Roger, we are all thinking of you and wish you the best for the rest of the crossing.
Everyone has their own reason for doing such a challenge. Some for charity, some for personal achievements, some for the experience, some for the rush of adrenaline. It is hard to understand why anyone would want to do such foolish challenges but what I can say is that what ever your reason you have to take part to know why.
Last year the Gravesend L2P team raised nearly £90,000 for charity. Proceedings went to a local Charity, the Lions Hospice. My grandfather was a resident in the Lions Hospice during L2P 2010 and was slowly loosing his fight with cancer. He was proud to say to the other residents that his new boat the "Sea Echo" was following the challenge and providing much needed support. Leslie, fought his battle until the challenge was over and we had all returned safely back to England. We all visited the hospice to let him know of our amazing experience. It wasn't that much longer after that Leslie passed away.
It was my Grandfather that got me into rowing and whilst I starting to train for one of the oldest rowing races in the world, The Doggett's coat and badge, I never took part. I could almost say that I am disappointed that I lost out of this chance, which is only open to Thames Apprentice Watermen. I can only say that organising the London 2 Paris challenge has inspired me to look at rowing in a different light and I am now organising such a race with my grandfather looking over me. Maybe one day I will take a row boat over this course and of course in aid of him.
What is your reason?
We landed at Denton Wharf, Gravesend, where the "Tiger" was lifted from the river and placed onto her new trailer. Purpose built for the London 2 Paris challenge, the single bunk roller trailer has the ability to transport "Tiger" anywhere in the country. Teams can now have more flexibility in their training areas. Over the next week, Tiger will be having some remedial work carried out and then transported to the Reivers 12 training grounds.
The Trailer built by De Graff trailers who are renown bespoke builders of trailers. They have actively built trailers for many of Britain's Olympic rowing teams. We have used their expertise to build us a trailer that will in future be able to double bunk a second Gig when the time comes.
The "Tiger" will be making an appearance in Kingston on the 6th March 2011 for the presentation event. Anyone wishing to Trial the Gig before entering the event is more than welcome to attend the meeting, all we ask is that you make us aware that you will be there.
Further developments with the challenge have been slow however nonetheless challenges for cross channel events are still progressing.
Don't forget that we cater for more than just London to Paris attempts. Plans are also afoot from other UK ports to France and, of course, the typical Dover-Calais attempt. If you have an idea and wish to talk to us about a challenge we can offer you safety, support and expertise.

Richard Bain
L2P2L Safety and Support